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SPEE3D Prints Gift to Japan PM

In a historic moment, Shinzo Abe became the first Japanese leader to visit Darwin, Australia, since it was bombed by Japan during World War Two.

On Friday 16 November – Mrs Akie Abe, the wife of Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, visited Darwin Memorial Uniting Church to see the Fujita Peace displays. It was a very emotionally moving time for all.

Fujita Hall where in 2017 the Northern Territory Government erected a pictorial display of the bombing of Darwin and the Fujita company removing the eight wrecks that were still in the harbour in 1958. The display is entitled “From Salvage to Salvation” and it commemorates the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Darwin.

The display goes on to tell how Mr Ryugo Fujita, with the blessing of the Japanese Government, donated 77 bronze crosses at the opening of the church in 1960.

It was an act of peace and reconciliation.

The bronze crosses were forged from the non-ferrous metals taken from the sunken vessel, Zealandia. Mrs Abe was moved to tears by the experience.

In a private presentation, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison gifted Mr Abe with a framed replica bronze cross, 3D printed by SPEE3D. A memento to remember this historic visit.